Growing Wild Babies is a digital product created exclusively for women walking through pregnancy and questioning standard prenatal care. It is the perfect resource for women ready to take radical responsibility over their own health during pregnancy (no matter what provider she has chosen). I want to give pregnancy back to women -- pregnancy is not a condition to be treated and it is not a disability. It is a chance for mama to learn to trust her God-given instincts and intuition as she steps into motherhood. But providers often steal that from us before we have ever even birthed our babies.

Here's the thing, an empowered mother-led pregnancy where you feel in charge of your prenatal care doesn't happen by accident, it takes you being informed and knowledgable! That's where Growing Wild Babies comes in. I took the most common aspects of prenatal care that I felt most women overlooked as "normal" or "necessary", researched the heck out of them over the last ten years, and downloaded it all into this guide to make it accessible to you!

Ultimately, you deserve to make fully-informed decisions that align with your intuition. GWB will give you the permission you didn't know you were looking for to start listening to your intuition!

so what all does the guide cover?

/ opt out of routine prenatal testing without a fuss at the doctors office

/ get your time back with all the research done for you on heavy, in-depth topics

/ clear-cut options + resources to quiet decision fatigue

/ your go-to resource for treating common pregnancy pain / infections / illnesses at home

/ everything you need for an autonomous pregnancy

understanding alternatives + options to routine prenatal testing

Group B Strep, Glucose Tolerance, Ultrasound, PAP smear + STD testing, RhoGAM, and TDaP

treating pregnancy complications at home

PUPPS, Cholestasis, UTI, Anemia, Miscarriage, Preeclampsia, Hypertension, Positive Group B Strep, Gestational Diabetes, Yeast Infections, and Bacterial Vaginosis

treating common pregnancy woes naturally

Cold, Flu, Fever, Restless Legs, Headaches, Insomnia, Hemorrhoids, Constipation, Nausea + Vomiting, Swelling, Vulvar Varicosities, and Genital Herpes Simplex Virus


"I love how Allie has geared this guide towards anyone desiring a mother-led pregnancy. You don't have to be over-the-top crunchy to benefit from this resource. She arms you with the information needed to confidently advocate for yourself and your baby, no matter your background of current lifestyle!" - Meaghan K.

  • / mom of four

  • / one home birth, three hospital births

"This guide is so thorough, easy to read through, and provides such great holistic options for various things that can come up during pregnancy! I wish I had something like this for my first pregnancy when I was trying to be more naturally-minded, but really knew so little and was overwhelmed with information! i appreciate that, while still openly "biased" (we all are), Allie provides different info and options for everyone to make their own choices, recognizing that a)not everyone is coming from the same perspective / priorities, and b) if women are choosing to work with providers, sometimes this can impact the "choices" available to them. Great resource for really everyone." - Rebekah L.

/ doula

/ mom of two

/ one unplanned c-section, one unassisted birth at home

"This resource is something people like me NEED. I’m someone who hasn’t had kids yet and I don’t have any close family members that have either. I’m not familiar with all the things pregnancy entails, so to begin researching it from a holistic perspective is overwhelming. This resource covers everything I didn’t know I needed to know. " - Anna P.

/ dog mom

"This is a resource that so many will benefit from — loaded with information, yet accessible and easily digestible with steps to implement right away. Allie provides links which makes finding additional resources and supports so easy. Reading through the guide feels like a conversation with a friend, which feels comforting during a time like pregnancy. I would have loved a resource like this when I was pregnant!!!" - Meghan T.

/ mom of four

/ all hospital births - two vaginal, two c-sections

"This is the guide I wish I’d had when I was pregnant with my first baby — or better yet, before conceiving. It’s comprehensive, straightforward, and it covers so many questions expecting mothers have without the fear-mongering they’re likely to find online or in a doctor’s office. It could help any woman preparing for pregnancy and birth, whether it’s her first or fifth baby!" - Annie K.

/ mom of two

/ both home births

"This is a great guide for the mama wanting to be informed on all her options in pregnancy and her prenatal care. Allie does a wonderful job explaining the basics on almost every single thing that may come up in pregnancy. The guide is comprehensive and Allie has taken the complication out of so many things." - Lizzie B.

/ mom of three

/ all vaginal hospital births

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the guide meant for home birthers only?

A: No! This is meant for anyone, planning any type of birth. It's about your options with prenatal care.

Q: Does the guide cover pregnancy prep at all?

A: It doesn't, I highly recommend this book for pregnancy prep, and follow my friend Loren on instagram!

Q: Do you cover birth in the guide?

I do not cover birth in THIS edition of Growing Wild Babies. The next edition I release (hopefully by end of 2024 or early 2025) will cover labor and birth!

Q: Does the guide cover pregnancy nutrition?

I'm of the firm belief that nearly everything in pregnancy can be made worse or better based on what you are or are not eating, so YES. We cover diet / nutrition in every section that it's applicable.

Q: Are VBAC's discussed in this guide?

I do not cover birth at all in THIS edition of Growing Wild Babies. The next edition I release (hopefully by end of 2024 or early 2025) will cover labor and birth, including VBAC information!

Q: Do you go over how to find a more naturally-minded provider?

I do not, but i'm working on another resource for that, it'll be free!

Q: Would this be helpful for someone who plans to become pregnant, but is currently not?

Yes! This would give you ample time to be able to research all the information provided and go even deeper on your own on the topics you really want to explore more.

Q: Is this something I could show my provider to explain my reasoning behind decisions I make?

I mean, is that an option? Sure. However, my opinion is heavily inserted in this guide and most providers are not going to agree with my opinion. I do have research to back myself up in most places, but this guide is very conversational, and less "professional". I wanted it to feel really light-hearted, especially with such "serious" topics. You could absolutely use it to arm and educate yourself so that you know what you're talking about and can have your OWN back during prenatal visits. I also teach you how to refuse any and everything without making it a big deal or needing to over-explain yourself.

Q: Would this still be beneficial to me if I plan to deliver in a hospital?

Yes! This guide doesn't discuss birth. It specifically covers routine prenatal care, and goes over your options in regard to all the tests and procedures you'll be expected to receive as part of your prenatal care. It doesn't matter what type of birth you're having. If you're questioning any part of traditional prenatal care and looking for more info, this is for you!

Q: Would this still be beneficial to me if I've already had an unassisted birth?

Yes, I believe so, if you plan to have another baby! You obviously already opt out of all prenatal care, so those sections wouldn't really apply to you. But the section on treating common pregnancy illnesses / ailments at home would be really helpful! Since every pregnancy is different and you never know what you're going to come up against.

Q: Can I purchase a hard copy instead of a digital copy?

There is a print-friendly version included in your purchase. You'll have to print it yourself. I'm currently not looking at publishing this guide, but once I have all three done, I might consider it!

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